Why Coral AI?
Coral AI provides the most comprehensive
document workflow experience.
read faster
Coral AI summarizes long documents in seconds, saving you hours per week.
Ask questions
Bulk upload all of your documents and search for key information across all of them. Coral AI's Executive Plan supports unlimited file uploads and unlimited chats.
reference easily
Coral AI gives you a clickable page number reference with every answer.
manage documents
Tag your documents and chat with groups of tagged documents. Add unlimited files to a group.
Upload files
Coral AI supports 20+ file types and can OCR scanned files. Upload files up to 500MB with no page limit.
Use AI
Coral AI's Executive Plan offers several AI models, including GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.
Analyze Images
Ask questions about or get explanations of charts, graphics, and other images with Coral AI.
Transcribe audio
Upload an audio file to transcribe, summarize, and chat with it.
Want a new feature?
Coral AI releases new features weekly.
Let us know what new features you want to see!