¿Por qué Coral AI?

Coral AI provides the most comprehensive
document workflow experience.

read faster

Generate summaries

Generate summaries

Coral AI summarizes long documents in seconds, saving you hours per week.

Website examples

Ask questions

Search across all documents

Search across all documents

Bulk upload all of your documents and search for key information across all of them. Coral AI's Executive Plan supports unlimited file uploads and unlimited chats.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

reference easily

Get citations

Get citations

Coral AI gives you a clickable page number reference with every answer.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

manage documents

Tag documents

Tag documents

Tag your documents and chat with groups of tagged documents. Add unlimited files to a group.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

Upload files

Upload .pdf, .docx, .pptx, .txt + more

Upload .pdf, .docx, .pptx, .txt + more

Coral AI supports 20+ file types and can OCR scanned files. Upload files up to 500MB with no page limit.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

Use AI

Access 8 cutting-edge AI models

Access 8 cutting-edge AI models

Coral AI's Executive Plan offers several AI models, including o3-mini, GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

Analyze Images

Analyze graphics & images

Analyze graphics & images

Ask questions about or get explanations of charts, graphics, and other images with Coral AI.

Website examples
Website examples
Website examples

Transcribe audio

Transcribe & chat with audio files

Transcribe & chat with audio files

Upload an audio file to transcribe, summarize, and chat with it.

Bulk prompt (Coming soon)

Bulk prompt documents

Bulk prompt documents

Prompt multiple documents with multiple prompts all at the same time. *
*This feature requires credits and is not included with our Executive Plan.

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

Preguntas frecuentes

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¿Puedo probar Coral AI de forma gratuita?

¿Puedo probar Coral AI de forma gratuita?

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