Frankenstein Summary
Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a living being from assembled body parts. Horrified by the creature he has brought to life, Victor abandons it, leading to tragic consequences. The creature, intelligent and sensitive, seeks acceptance but faces rejection and violence from society due to his monstrous appearance. His suffering turns to vengeance against Victor, whom he blames for his misery. The novel is a poignant exploration of ambition, responsibility, and the consequences of playing God. As the creature's actions lead to the deaths of Victor's loved ones, Victor becomes consumed by the need to destroy his creation. The chase leads them to the Arctic, where Victor dies from exhaustion. The creature, filled with remorse and despair, vows to end his own life, leaving the reader to ponder the ethical and moral questions raised by the tale. "Frankenstein" is a foundational work of science fiction and a profound commentary on human nature and the quest for knowledge.